Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Scream

This is a creepy story told by a church mate and friend of mine. He has been my friend for a long time and I know he won't lie such as this.

One morning, weekdays (forgot the exact day), he decided to go to our church to place some newly designed tarpaulin. No one goes to church during weekdays except for meetings, activities and urgent works. That time, he was alone in that place.
He told me that the exact moment he entered the church, he felt gloomy, yet decided to continue otherwise. While busy tending the tarpaulin, he suddenly felt fear for reasons unknown. He told us that the church smelled of liquor or a very strong wine at that time. He has just been there for 10 minutes but decided to go home and not finish the task regardless. The fear of the unknown overcame him.
Before going home he decided to take a pee, yet something stopped him entering the restroom bluntly, something non-explainable happened to him. Someone screamed right at his face. A terrifying shriek from a girl or a young boy, he felt it right on his face. It stopped him for a moment. then after regaining his composure and awareness haste himself down the stairs and went home even without locking the church.

I'm not saying our church is haunted or anything, but it can be a delusion on his side and may be a result of lack of sleep. So far, no other person experienced any other weird things happen inside our church. But one thing I'm rest assured of, my friend wasn't making up this story.

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